Savings and CDs

Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) are an excellent savings tool.


  • CD’s earn a higher rate of return than regular savings
  • $1,000 minimum balance
  • Terms of 6 months, 1 year or 2 years
  • You can set aside funds for future goals
  • All accounts are insured up to $250,000
  • No service charge
Term Share Certificates
Term Rate APY*
Six Month ($1,000 minimum) 3.31% 3.35%
One Year ($1,000 minimum) 2.82% 2.85%
Two Year ($1,000 minimum) 2.23% 2.25%
The APY* is accurate as of March 21, 2025
*Annual Percentage Yield


Your initial $25.00 deposit into your savings account does more than open your account. It makes you an owner of University Federal Credit Union. As a member owner you are entitled to a number of benefits and CU services. One benefit is a quarterly savings dividend. This dividend is tiered based on the amount of money in your savings account.

Share Account – Individual Accounts Insured up to $250,000 by NCUA Rate APY*
Amount Rate APY*
$25.00 to $2,499.99 0.25% 0.25%
$2,500.00 to $9,999.00 0.30% 0.30%
$10,000.00 and over 0.35% 0.35%
Declared Dividends for First Quarter 2025
*Annual Percentage Yield


Looking to set aside funds for a vacation, home remodel, child or grandchild? Open a sub-savings account with UFCU and name the account to match the purpose. Funds may be directly deposited to these accounts from payroll deduction.


Multiple Deposit Savings Calculator (new window/tab)

Single Deposit Savings Calculator (new window/tab)